grazie avete letto il mio blog

try to inspire ;) enjoy my blog

xoxo @alfathanira

Friday, September 17, 2010

liburan-boring time prt2

haloooo libur lebaran :-) sayangnya selama seminggu sebelum lebaran&pas lebarannya gue sakit :-( gejala db gt pdhl cuma radang tenggorokan-_- tekanan darah rendah......penyakit langganan gue tuh wk wk wk. ok, selama liburan, kelas gue-dan-kelas-kelas-lainnya-yang-di-ajar-bu-niniek- disuruh gambar peta&bikin tabel ttg negara maju gitu yaampun males-_- share gambar peta boleh? boleh kan^-^

ini adalah peta australia. tadinya gue ngambil di google asli ky gini, terus gue warnain jadinya...

TADAAAAAAA!!! B) ini gue iseng gitu warnain di photoshop. hmm not bad lah buat gue xixi

next, peta amerika

&&&&&& diwarnain juga di photoshop


terus gue bosen trs gue coba ngedit lagi-setelah-lama-gak-ngedit-foto

ini sama anin wkt bukber #ozone32&#nexblasse :-)

with anin-elsa-sari

ini gue sendiri hehe>.< href="">twitter, pp facebook. i just played at layer^^

lalu kegalauan gue di twitter-__-


i ♡ photoshop^-^

Monday, September 13, 2010

curhat dikit boleh dong-,,-

hmmh i remember you said "we love each other right?" i said "yes, we are. as a couple of bestfriend. very very close friend". i said that word with love:) everyday you send me a chat that proves that you love me. i felt like fly away can't back-_-

one day, you greet me on the chat and said "i'm falling in love with someone" automaticly i asked you "with who?", "someone you don't know". immediately my heart was beat faster:( i don't know what i must to say to reply your chat. speachless. i started cry. okay, you brooke my heart :'(. hmm i started cry when i remember that you send me a chat everyday, a short messages, but one day you said you love someone else.

oh god, i don't know what i have to do now. move on? great idea^^